Bennington Monument
Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery
The Bennington monument in Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery was erected in memory of the 66 Navy personnel who lost their lives in the boiler explosion on board USS Bennington (Gunboat # 4) at San Diego on July 21, 1905.
On July 23, 1905 the remains of soldiers and sailors were brought to the post cemetery and interred in an area known as the Bennington Plot.
Pictured above is the ceremony dedicating the U.S.S. Bennington monument at Fort Rosecrans on January 7, 1908. Today, the following 35 soldiers and sailors remain in the Bennington Plot in Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, which overlooks the San Diego harbor:
Archer, Leroy Brewster O.S.
Bensel, Amel F2C
Brownlee, Glenn Seaman
Brunson, Elmer Ulysses Seaman
Carpenter, Preston O.S.
Carr, Robert Bartley O.S.
Carter, Charles Samuel F2C
Chambers, Matthew Garfield O.S.
Clark, George T. Chief Machinist
Conway, Michael F2C
Ezell, Josiah SC4C
Gauthier, Lyn Joseph CBM
Geiss, Frederick John C.P.
Grant, Walter Gilbert C.P.
Gries, Lawrence Andrew O.S.
Hoffman, Emil Christian Bsmth
Hughes, Bert Arthur O.S.
Kuntz, Charles Joseph C.P.
Mosher, Harry C.P.
Muller, Frederick James S.M.M.
Nelson, Charles C.P.
Nieman, Peter C.C.M.
Olges, Bernard Joseph F1C
Pollock, Stephen William F2C
Parrish, Warren Niles C.P.
Quinn, Michael George Oiler
Rushing, Claud Emerson C.P.
Smith, Harry Frank O.S.
Stephenson, Claude Henry F2C
Takata, Sago Wardroom Ck
Taylor, Wesley Marsh Seaman
Willson, William Clyde O.S.
Wright, Wilbur Washington C.P.
Visit Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery for additional information:
Photo: U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph. Photo #: NH 82136
Note: To the best of our knowledge, the picture referenced here is in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded and used for any purpose.
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