Bennington Memorial Oak Grove Informational Piece and Website
My project was to create an informational piece to go into the kiosk at the Bennington Memorial Oak Grove that would explain the groves connection to the U.S.S. Bennington. The informational piece needed to include a QR code that people can scan that will take them to a website that would be created. The website would shed light on the 66 men who lost their lives due to the boiler explosion on the U.S.S. Bennington on July 21, 1905, which is why 66 California Live Oaks were planted on Thanksgiving Day, November 30, 1905 creating the Bennington Memorial Oak Grove.
I would like to thank the following people who helped to make my Eagle Project successful:
Ms. Kathleen Winchester for offering me the opportunity to do such a meaningful Eagle Project. Your passion and drive are inspiring and contagious.
Mr. Micaiah Hardison from Refined Sign & Mailboxes for designing the amazing sign that now hangs in the Bennington Memorial Oak Grove kiosk.
FREEFORM for printing the sign that now hangs in the Bennington Memorial Oak Grove kiosk.
Mr. Fred and Henry Hays for the countless hours of making this website come to life.
The Beaton family for hosting this website.
Kenny Hopper photographer at the Bennington Memorial Oak Grove sign instillation and clean up.
Dean Moore for instilling new plexiglass and the kiosk sign.
Dawn Nuñez and Alienor Alexander for being the first aid specialists.
My Research Team:
Keenan DePaz
Gregory Flores
Nicole Frizzell
Nina Helms
Samantha Lewis
Gabriel Nuñez
Karen Rosener
Melissa Schoening
Tia Shellenberger
Nathan Simas
Beyonce Spillane
Olivia Spillane
Zachary Patterson
Thank you to everyone who came out to do the trash pick up for the Bennington Memorial Oak Grove.
A special thank you to my parents, Jerry and Karen Rosener.
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