Burke, Thomas MM1C


Mrs. Hannah Cummings of Amesbury Learns That Her Brother Was Among the Bennington’s Dead.

AMESBURY, July 24-Word has been received here by Mrs. Hannah Cummings from Acting Secretary Darling, announcing that the department regrets to inform her that the latest reports from the Bennington give the name of Thomas Burke among those killed by the bursting of the boiler on Friday last.

A second dispatch informs Mrs. Cummings that the remains will be forwarded to Amesbury if practicable, the commander of the Bennington having received orders to this effect. Machinist Burke, who held the warrant of a first-class machinist, was born in Ireland, May 15, 1863, and was brought to this country when quite young, his parents locating here.

At the age of 19 he enlisted in the navy at Portsmouth, where he was assigned to the Old Galena. He was next assigned to the Charleston, where he received his first promotion, and since then has been promoted at each term of enlistment till the highest grade possible for an ordinary sailor to attain in the U S navy had been reached by him.

He was with Admiral Dewey on the Olympia. When she was ordered home he was transferred to the transport service in the Philippines, where he was assigned to the Pensacola. Some three years ago machinist Burke was given duty in home waters, and for the third time saw service upon the Bennington.

During his 23 years of service in the navy he was visited his home here only four times, the last visit having been 13 years ago. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Cummings. Mr. Burke is highly spoken of by his friends here. *

The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) • Mon., Jul. 24, 1905 • Other Editions • Page 12 *

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