Victim of the Bennington Disaster Brought Home For Burial.
The Body Examined by Two Physicians and Completely Identified by Them.
The body of Kirtley Morris, who was killed in the Bennington disaster at San Diego, Cal., July 26, arrived in the city this morning after having been a week on the road from San Diego. It was taken to the undertaking establishment of Brown & Hafendorfer, from which it will be taken Friday morning at 8:30 o’clock to South Hampton church, where the funeral service will be held at 11 o’clock.
The body was examined for identification this afternoon by Drs. Lockhart, of Owensboro, and Ford, of Ensor, and both pronounced it to be undoubtedly the body of Kirtley Morris. This was determined by a scar on the left ear the effect of a cut which Dr. Lockhart had sewed up when the victim was but a small boy. His features were plainly visible and the doctors said that had it not been for the mark they would have known him. Another mark by which Dr. Ford identified him was an emblem of the United States which he had shown to Dr. Ford on his last visit home. On one side of the emblem was the name, Kirtley, and on the other the last name, Morris, but only the letters of “ris” could be made out. The body considering the time it had been buried was in a good state of preservation. It was not as badly lacerated as was supposed.
Messenger Inquirer (Owensboro, Kentucky) • Thu., Nov. 2, 1905 • Page 1
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